Replacement Suggestions for Books You Can't Find

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  • Marcee

    I am unable to find the following books:The Mystery of the Hieroglyphs, and Oxford First Ancient History. I see the OFAH is only used for 2 chapters so maybe that isn’t a neccessary resource. However, I cannot Mystery anywhere-unless I want to pay the moon for it. Is there a good replacement? 


    Not a History book, but I am also unable to find Child’s Book of Character Building: Growing Up in God’s World – At Home, at School, at Play, Book 2. Any other suggestions?


    The OFAH is out of print and pricey, but is used in modules 1-3, so if you find it for a good price, grab it. It’s a good slice of life type of book. You can find them used at good prices occasionally. 

    Try Abe Books and Albiris for used books, too.

    For the Character Book, which is good, try an old Little Visits with God, Polite Moments by Maldaner or Wisdom and the Millers.




    I am just starting out using SCM and the fact that one of the books used in 3 of the Modules is not longer available is a bit concerning.


    Is there a recommended replacement for it should one NOT be able to find it at a reasonable price?




    This post was recently done and lists all the chapters and subdivisions in the Oxford Book.  It might help you.


    I believe they are looking for an alternate book…. and that they are in negotiations to print it themselves…..


    @ missceegee-Thanks for character book recommendationsLaughing

    Mystery on Albris starts at $65 and Oxford starts at $100! Child’s Book of Character Building starts at $70! I can’t beleive ppl sell and/or buy at these prices. Abe Books is no better.  Bummer! I really want to do Mod 1 in the Fall.


    Marcee, right now on Amazon they are selling Oxford for $62.99.  really stinks that people just have to jab everyone, huh?

    I am thinking about taking Linda’s list from the Oxford and going through my Mod 1-3 and just lining up up what chapters in Oxford are used with the SCM Mods.  Would that be at all helpful?   if it will, I will do it.  =)


    It would be nice if Amazon had them in Kindle form. Although, I don’t have a Kindle, but I think it would pay itself off in what I could save on books. I know the Character Book I’m looking for is in Kindle form. Something to add to the Wishlist:)


    The Mystery of the Heiroglyphs is available in Kindle form.

    I downloaded the sample and it doesn’t look great, though it is legible.


    @dlwsharpe THANK YOU!!!!Kiss With this I could just skip the Oxford I think.


    @Marcee – You are welcome. Some other great character books are

    • the YWAM biographies of missionaries and others
    • there is a series called Building on the Rock that has 5 books, I believe. These were books dd read on her own at 8 or 9 years old for her personal devotion time.
    • Lamplighter Publishing has AMAZING books that deal with character issues and while pricey, they are extremely well made and real treasures. Their audio books are terrific, too!

    For history options, I recommend Christine Miller’s All Through the Ages as a great resource book for finding books on historical topics. Some options for Module 1 from the Tapestry of Grace list:

    • Ancient Egypt, Haslam
    • The Ancient Egyptians, Shuter
    • Cleopatra by Stanley
    • Egyptian Gods & Goddesses by Barker (if you wish to cover this)
    • Mummies Made in Egypt  by Aliki
    • The Nile River by Fowler
    • Peeps at Many Lands: Ancient Egypt by Baikie
    • The Tower of Babel  by Greengard
    • Tutankhamen’s Gift  by Sabuda
    • Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of the Ancient World by Bingham (may be most similar to OFAH)
    • You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Pyramid Builder by Morley

    Also check,, the curriculum list for ideas.





    Another suggestion – watch and the Well Trained Mind forum.  I picked up Mystery of the Hieroglyphs for $5 on Amazon – but I had to watch for about a month to get it; I’ve seen a few of the Oxford First Ancient History (or Oxford Children’s Ancient History, they are nearly identical) on the WTM sale boards for a decent price ($35 ish) and Child’s Book of Character Building on homeschoolclassifieds for under $20.  It’s worth watching if you have time. 

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