Remind me why I ditched the handy boxed curriculum

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Remind me why I ditched the handy boxed curriculum

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  • LDIMom

    simple home, I have never bought boxed curriculum namely b/c it seemed too “boxy” and we couldn’t afford it anyway with all of our children. We have 5 students now.

    I have finished planning out our history reading (both family and independent) and have all but 3 books (found most of them used this year which was awesome).

    I am now looking at their math. We used Math on the Level, so that involves a lot of planning on my part as well, BUT it really works for us so it is worth it. But PHEW! I totally get what you are saying.

    I am a bit stumped on grammar too. I have an English degree, and don’t remember ever learning grammar (though I obviously did). It just seems so natural to me, but it isn’t for all of our children I realize. My son, 8th grade approaching, is using Rod & Staff, and I have seen improvements. He doesn’t like it, but I know he wouldn’t like any grammar curriculum. It is working, so we are going to continue on but it is S-L-O-W and I’m OK with that.

    I have admittedly looked at some on-line writing classes that get high marks at Homeschool Buyer’s Co-Op.

    I wanted to mention Word Roots by Critical Thinking Co. That has been a real help this past year to us, and we are going to continue on with it. I bought the CD-Rom as I needed something that I didn’t have to grade, and two of ours LOVE the computer (so this gave them some screen time but with a purpose).

    Just thougth I’d mention it as a possibility for your son (my son with ADHD loves Word Roots and wil be doing A2 this year).

    And finally, I can relate to all you said! It IS worth it, but that doesn’t make it any easier to figure it all out!

    Thanks ladies, I figured I wasn’t the only one feeling like this. I need a Teacher Inservice Weekend to wipe it out. 🙂

    Sbkjulie, I am sure you will find lots of encouragement here. You are not alone and I hope you find peace with your school situation. I wish I had advice, but the best thing I can advise is to truly pray for wisdom. Blessings to you and your family!


    OP….your post about your son could have been written by me about my son, they sound identical! My son is going into the 5th grade and I also feel he is “behind”. He was diagnosed with ADHD in 2nd grade as well and is also terrible at spelling, math, and hates to write. Math right now is my biggest concern.

    Just wanted you to know that you are not alone!


    He can express himself okay but does struggle with proper thought order and sometimes wording. His spelling is another issue on top as well. He not only mispronounces words, but often spells them wrong. I am working on that as well. I am deeply concerned with his learning as high school approaches.

    I am so thankful though he is NOT in public school with these difficulties. God knows what He is doing, but I wish He would let me in on the plans just a wee bit so I would not worry myself sick. Know what I mean?


    Sahmamma—-yep, my boy hates writing/penmanship, a terrible speller, and is finally getting math. We use Teaching Textbooks but do have to stop every now and then for supplementation and extra study on math. I am not a math person myself so I have full understanding on his issues with math Laughing I am considering focusing on keyboarding so he can type out his reports rather than write them. His handwriting is just…well…awful because he is thinking so much faster than he can write it down.


    Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and blessing. With our public schools in so much turmoil, I thank God every day for this blessign and for placing me in Texas to do so.


    Typing would be an excellent idea. It would remove that frustration from him while trying to learn the mechanics of composition.


    i would just like to mention that although bravewriter is really expensive, it has been worth it for me. I just bought the homeschool highschool helper and that looks really good. But the online classes are top notch. My oldest daughter took Essay class and was great!!That is where she learned how to write a good essay for high school. Some of the younger ones we have not used. But the essay one was worth every penny. We have taken a few others and all have been great. We of course need to limit-my daughter would do them all- the instructor/owner has been so helpful inplacing my daughters. Very nice and always available to help with decision making.



    I found two copies of the Writer’s Jungle on for good prices. I bought one for $30. So they are out there.


    make a game with nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, ect.. Have him put the words in the proper can/container that has the right word on it. Ex. ( Noun container, Verb container ect..)  first put what a Noun is… on the can then after a couple of days  pull the lablel off and see how many he gets right… It is much easier than reading a boring lesson. More fun too!

       Sometimes games help where nothing else does…… 🙂


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