Our family loves Reformation Day! (We are Lutheran.) Here are some traditions we have:
My husband wakes up the kids and has them ”nail’ (tape, but using a hammer) the 95 theses to the door.
We wear the liturgical color red, which reminds us of the work of the Holy Spirit.
We make pancakes then decorate them as we study the symbolism of Luther’s rose. (Sweet potato puree for the gold ring, blueberry jam for the blue, thin banana slices to make the white rose, sliced strawberry for the heart, and some chocolate shavings arranged to make a cross)
We carve pumpkins to show symbols of the church and talk about God’s word being a light and how Luther shared the Bible with so many people. We put the pumpkins on our front steps that evening.
We also read the Luther picture book and sing hymns.
Our church has held a Reformation Octoberfest celebration and the youth made puppets and made a little show about the Reformation. It was a hit! There was also a quiz show with history of the Reformation, etc. One of the members actually shaved his head to the monk tonsure style and dressed up as Luther!