Recurring Assignments

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  • Christine Gayfer

    I have a wishlist item.  I know we have discussed this before, but I wanted to make an official request.  Smile

    I would like to see an option to select an assignment as recurring (or some better word than that) so that it will not end even if checked off as finished.  For example, my children work on a little device (Flashmaster) for math facts daily and I currently just check it off as ‘worked on’.  I also think this option would be nice for things like music practice.


    Hi Christine, this has nothing to do with your post but I was literally just checking your blog for updates, funny to find you here a second later.  I came across your blog when I was checking out the KW homeschool conference speakers list.  I’ll definitely be sitting in your class if I make it to the conference!  God bless!


    I was just logging on to see if this issue/ request had been resolved.  I am trying to do the same thing and the kids keep hitting finished and losing the daily assignment off the their checklist.  Then if it isn’t there, of coursemy kids don’t do it. 




    Sonya Shafer

    I see what you’re saying, ladies. It seems like using Worked On to keep the recurring event going isn’t working well for your situation. Here’s an idea that might help: 

    You could enter the recurring event as a Resource, then give it 180 or 250 (or however many) divisions. Call them “day” if you want it to show up as, for example, “Practice piano, Day 1.” Or call them “Assignment” if you want it to show up as “Flashmaster Review, Assignment 5.” With those divisions, the kids can check off each one as Finished, but the resource won’t disappear off the Daily Plan.

    Does that sound like it might work?

    Christine Gayfer

    (Hi SCMConvert!  It is great to meet you online.  I do hope you make it to the conference and we can meet in person.)

    Sonya, I do have divisions assigned for most of my recurring things.  I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing, then.  It does work fine that way.

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