Hey there – I just read the posts about bad attitudes and scheduling during pregnancy and how do you know what to do about curriculum? My husband recently bought me a 2 CD set of a home school mom of 7 giving curriculum advice – and it was very CM friendly. It’s “Curriculum Advice from Victoria Botkin, Vol. 1 and 2”. She covered everything you all were saying in these 3 posts – having patience with children to discourage bad attitudes, reminding moms that our children are learning all the time so surround them with good books, and don’t get too bogged down in “curriculum”. My husband bought them from visionforum.com.
He also bought me Passionate Housewives Desperate for God (from the same website). Both of these resources have been tremendous encouragement to me in the last few weeks – as I am home schooling a 7YO , 6YO boy, 4YO boy and training a 1YO to be respectful of our “school time” and am pregnant with #5 and still feeling slightly sick. I hope these resources can be a help and an encouragement to you as they have been to me! God bless you all!
Ann Katherine