recommendation for standardized test in GA?

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    I am preparing to give a standardized test to my 3rd grade son.  It is the first time we have tested.  I am trying to decide which test to give.  Do any of you ladies have some input that would help me in my decision? 


    We have to test each year in our state.

    There are a couple of options. Bob Jones University has the IOWA available and a couple of other tests as well. They will register you to administer the test as long as you have a college degree. It takes 4 mornings to administer & then the booklets are turned into BJU for scoring. The other option is Christian Liberty Press. They hand out the 1970 CAT test. Anyone can administer it. If you do the online version it takes about 4 hours, does have to be done in one setting, and the scores are sent later that day.

    I have used both routes and found the feed back over all to be helpful.

    Some of the questions are very much twaddle, or even in accurate in science and social studies; but we have to test and overall it gives me an idea of what the schools are doing each year in math and where we are at in comparison.

    I rather not test, but it has helped at moments.

    I hope this helps.


    You can see options at We are in GA too! 🙂

    My son took the PASS test from Hewitt! I like it! It is not timed and anyone can give it!


    We have to test yearly starting in 1st grade here in NC.  We have used the Woodcock-Johnson both years we’ve had to test and we LOVE it.  My boys love it and look forward to it, I love the discussion with the test giver afterwards.  It is gentle and nurturing and I highly recommend looking at it to see if it would fit your needs too.


    We are in Georgia and use the PASS test also.  You can get it at


    We’ve used the California Achievement Test for the past few years.  You can order it at Seton Testing or take it online with immediate results at Christian Libery

    Here in NH we can self-administer the tests, so I’ve always ordered the tests, had the kids do them here at home, and then mailed in for the results of the test.

    Paula Spicer

    I give the Stanford.  I like it since it is not timed, but you have to have a 4 year degree to give it.  I order through Bob Jones.  Pretty simple.

    Rachel White

    For that age, we did the PASS as recommended above. I continued w/PASS every year until last year, I switched  to CAT (the older one) for their 5th/6th gr. testing. It was their first timed one. It went well.


    Thank you to everyone for your input!  I truly appreciate the help.  After looking over my options on the GHEA website, I was still at a loss as to which one would be best for us.  Your suggestions have helped tremendously.

    For those of you who have used the PASS;  it sounds like it is providing the information you need to make educational decisions.  Do you have any concerns about it?  I am leaning this way after hearing your input and looking at the test information myself.

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