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  • Misty

    Ok so I am constantly getting new recipes from all you wonderful people.  BUT now my recipe drawer looks like a tornado hit it.  I use to be a straight from a cook book lady.  Now I have about 3 dozen sheets of paper upside down, under, ontop and over the drawer.

    So how do you keep your recipes organizer?  I’ve thougth the good old index cards?  Put them in a 3 ring binder?  But I’d love some thoughts on how you keep them, why it works for you or why you do it that way.  Thanks Misty


    Misty, I use folders in a big binder, and put the cards in the folders.  I have folders for breakfast food, desserts, breads, side dishes, then I divide up the main course recipes by night.  I have a different-food-on-different night system.  So I put all the Mexican in a folder, all the sandwiches, soups and stews, crockpot, chicken, meatless, Italian–etc.  I do it that way because i do my menu plans a couple weeks in advance and so when I am ready to make a list for the next few weeks, all I have to do is look in the folder for each “night–Monday is Italian night, so I pull out that folder and find a recipe for the three Mondays I am scheduling, then go on to my crock-pot recipes for the Tuesdays, etc.  I can plan three weeks to a month in about ten minutes that way, and quickly make grocery lists for those weeks in about another fifteen to twenty minutes. Big time saver!

    I got a pretty recipe keeper binder and put all my recipes in protector sheets and file them in the 3 ring binder. I printed the recipes on heavy paper almost card and then when I need to use one they are firm enough to stand up in my recipe holder – they also wipe clean easily. I am on my third binder now – and I keep them on a bookshelf near the kitchen. For recipes that I get given or I clip out of magazines, I pop them in a folder until I can put them in my binder. I tried the little cards, but prefer bigger spaces to write notes and things. Sometimes when I make something, I decide for example that there is too much sugar, so I will note that on the recipe immediately – a bigger page works well for those annotations. I am looking forward to hearing other people’s ideas.


    I’d love ideas, too:)  Right now I have two 3-ring binders, one color for main dishes, one color for everything else.  I somewhat tried to have desserts in one part, sides in another….but it’s a bit mingled:)  I just keep blank sleeves in each binder and stick new recipes in as I go.  I hope you get some good ideas.  My system works o.k., but sometimes I have to search more than I’d like…..     :)Gina

    I am not as organized as Michelle, but I do divide my binders into meal types, baking and things like that. I try to plan a few weeks out, but hubby has an erratic schedule so sometimes my plans go out the window and I have to cook on the fly – I have recipes that I can throw together in a hurry for those occasions. I like your ideas Michelle, I may adapt mine to look more like that – good ideas..thanks.


    Yes I also am thinking Michelles would work best for me as I plan for a month at a time.  Also, simply putting them in a folder would not cost me at this time as I have extra ones around.  Also I could then pull out easy. 

    Thanks everyone I have appreciated all your ideas.  Misty


    Mine is in a binder as well and I always write on my recipes if I like it or what was changed and then date it. I have a separate section for our favorite recipes so I know where to go for those. I only recently began to write in my cookbooks. That has helped me tremendously!


    Mine are all in sheet protectors in a three-ring binder. It’s the best system I’ve found so far.

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