I’d love some thoughts on when to start Y1. My dd is 5.5 (she’ll be 6 around Thanksgiving) and loves to learn and has flown though almost all of the subjects we started this year (math, handwriting/copywork, poetry, and narration). She just recently became confident in reading aloud. We don’t do all the subjects every day…maybe 3x a week we do 2-3. So I’m debating if I should officially start Y1 in September. I have a 4 yo boy who is getting more interested in “doing school”. We also plan to add 2 more to our family in the next 2-3 years. Thoughts?
The longer I hang around other hs families, the more I see the benefit of just slowing down and waiting. Working on habits and daily routines include lots of outdoor play and reading good books aloud. That’s not to say you shouldn’t do any teaching of any subjects, but I would hold off on an official Y1 until next fall. That is just my humble 2 cents. Others may say the opposite. 🙂
If you think she’s ready, you could start…just keep it light and fun, not trying to add too much. Or you could keep doing what you’re doing. I agree that habits you learn at that age are most important and should take precedence over any formal schooling. I’m realizing this with my daughter who will be 6 next month.
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