Ready Made Copywork Resources – Cursive for Beginners

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  • missceegee

    I have come across some new resources that I will be using with my dd6 this next year and wanted to share. We begin formal lessons with cursive and dd has mastered 1/2 of the lowercase alphabet so far. I’ve been using cursive first and it works well. I just dislike making copies. I’d rather just print. Also, I wanted something simple for when she masters all the letters. Ds9 used Creepy Crawly Cursive from LIght Home Pub. for that, but dd wouldn’t appreciate creepy things.

    From currclick I purchased

    – Joy of Handwriting cursive (like cursive first, but printable)

    – Scholastic Inspiring Quotes cursive

    – Scholastic Jokes and Riddles cursive (she loves jokes right now)

    both Scholastic books have. 1/2 page lessons of 2 lines each, we will set timer and it may take longer than one day per lesson, but that’s fine. I expect these to last us most of the year or more.

    I dislike making my own copywork as samples so this works for me. When older and able to copy from print to cursive, I don’t mind typing up selections in print.

    Just thought I’d share.


    Thanks for sharing these resources and ideas. I need to consider cursive for our youngest. Perfect timing! I’d rather print than copy, so you’ve saved me it’s of time researching.

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