Reading "Schoolproof" by Mary Pride

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Reading "Schoolproof" by Mary Pride

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  • kimofthesavages

    I just happened to see it on the shelf at the library yesterday and checked it out. It is a good book! I’m only a little ways into it but one of the things she wrote is standing out to me. She said “Motivations determine the goal.” I’ve been giving that a lot of thought. Not only with how it applies to school but also to life. I also think of how Jesus said where our treasure is that is where our heart is. Some of my goals sound worthy but when I think about what my true motivation for them is it makes me cry out in prayer to God for forgiveness and true wisdom. 

    I imagine most of you here have read this book (I’m newer to homeschooling) but if not I recommend it. :o) I’d be very interested to hear what books on homeschooling you all love and recommend?? 


    I love that book!

    Also love:  Educating the Whole-hearted child by Sally Clarkson; Abundant Life HOmeschooling by Diana Waring,  For the Children’s Sake by Susan Scheffer MacCauley; and A Charlotte Mason companion by Karen Andreola.

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