Reading question for middle school grades

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  • Christy

    Hi!  I have a reading question.  I am looking ahead to planning for next year.  My daughter who is 10 and in the 4th grade now is a great reader.  We started her reading instruction with The Reading lesson in kindergarten and since then have been following the reading lists at Heart of Dakota.  She is in the level 4/5 girl interest set this year.  The book that she read today is Naya Nuki and it is at a 5.6 reading level.  I sat with her and followed along with her for the first 3 pages and she only missed one word. 

    This school year, I have scheduled her to read to me like this for 2 days, and then read independently to herself for 2 days with 1 oral/1 written narration on the independent days.  I had planned on doing this same schedule next year (5th grade) and then for 6th/7th/8th grade having her to do 1 read to mom day/ 3 independent days.  She also has other books that she reads to herself, but this booklist I count as reading instruction, or what the SCM typical schedule calls Assigned Reading. 

    She is such a good reader, I don’t feel like I need to hover quite as much as I thought that I would have at this stage, but I still want that time each week to listen to make sure that she is progressing in her reading. 

    I just wanted to get an idea of how much you actually sit down and watch them read word for word at the 5th grade level and up. 




    I’ll be honest, I never sit with my sixth grader to read, and haven’t for probably three years.  He’s the oldest of four children, a strong reader, and doesn’t prefer to read aloud, although when he does I have no concerns about his reading.

    Starting in about 4th grade I assigned him reading to supplement our history and sent him off on his own.  We did oral narrations and usually one written narration each week.  Occasionally I would read a chapter or two to him from his book, mostly for bonding time, and we’d talk about the book afterwards.

    Now is more of the same – he read independently, sometimes I’ll read to him just for bonding time and time to talk about what he’s reading, and he does many oral narrations and about three written ones each week.

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