Reading-Literature Readers by Harriette Taylor Treadwell

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  • BlessedMommy

    I am not sure Rachel.  I clicked on each book in the list above and it brought the book up.  Are you getting a blank page or something?



    If you click one of the links above, it will send you directly to a book. You will see a gear wheel icon above the right corner of the book. Click on that, and it will show a drop down window where you will see the download options. If you want to just preview the book on the webpage, you can scroll through the book by swiping the actual pages or using the arrows and page options to the left of the gear icon above the book. I like to download my books as pdfs to my ipad. I then duplex print them as half-size booklets and proclick the pages to make real books for my young readers.



    Thanks for that info. Now I know how I can print them too


    How do you use the Elson-Runkel books to teach a child to read?


    I second Nina’s question. The Elson ones look like they are grade appropriate (the last said 8th grade).  Are you only doing one a year and other books as level to fill in time?

    I am trying to figure out where these fit in.  I saw Sonya’s demo on Delightful Reader and liked it, but where would you fit in this other work?  Or do you and you this instead?


    I ended up getting the Reading Literature books. We don’t own Delightful Reading because we were already doing Phonics Museum (which also has readers) before I knew about DR. My daughter flew threw the Primary Reading Literature book & she will be done with the 1st grade one this week so I just ordered the 2nd grade book. I aim to have her read 1 story per day from Reading Literatuure unless, her Phonics Museum lesson called for a reader, then she would read that instead. And she will be done with the PM kit in less than 2 weeks so, after that, she will just stick with the Reading Literature books until she has gone through all four. Then I might print some of the Elson books or simply have her read sections from whatever literature we are reading together. (Currently Little House Series). I also have her read from Christian Liberty Nature Readers once per week. But, she was already reading so I have not been using these to “teach” reading, just for practice really.


    I tried printing the Elson books but it won’t let me 🙁 Any pointers as to how to get them to print????


    Janell mentioned it in her post above. I have not tried it myself.


    Yeah, I can’t get it to print 🙁


    I’m sorry Nina. 🙁 I just remembered something though, you asked how to use the readers to teach reading… I remember on the webpage they have the Teachers Manual (Last on on the list), I’m not sure if it’s sold in print like the 4 readers though… so hopefully that helps some. 🙂

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