Hi! Is there a website to go to to find out the reading level number on living history books? I have tried the AR website and a lot of them aren’t listed in their database. Here are some examples:
Thanks so much for the help! I looked at the SCM bookfinder and saw that it listed the books by grades. Is that the grades that can read them independtly or just understand them?
Just as a help for determining if a book is too hard, I suggest having your child read the first couple of pages and if there are five or more words that are unknown & can’t be figured out from context, shelve it for later. I don’t know the reading levels for any of our books, but this simple test has served me well over 8 years of homeschooling.
I’m not familiar with all those titles, but Leif the Lucky and Ink on His Fingers were easily read by both my 8.5 yo and my 10 yo. If Growing Up in Viking Times is similar to Growing Up in Ancient Greece and Growing Up in Ancient Rome, then it should be easy enough for a 7- or 8yo, in my opinion. That’s if you’re planning to have your children read them independently. If so, another good test is to check their narration skills. This will tell you if they are comprehending the reading as well as if the vocabulary and concepts are at their level of understanding.
If you’re planning to read to the children, I’m sure all of them are just fine. Again, use narration as your guide, if you have good narrators.