Reading Level Assesment/Placement Testing?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Reading Level Assesment/Placement Testing?

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  • Anonymous

    Does anyone know of a good reading assesment test online or for purchasing?

    As you probably know, there are many free online tests available. The question of course is which ones are decent and useful! I can’t help there, I haven’t attempted to test at all (yet).

    But I did notice that Homeschool buyers co-op currently has a detailed assessment tool available right now — it’s called Let’s Go Learn and you’ll find it on their tests/assessments tab. It’s on for $15 for one test, $12 for the second and any additional.

    I haven’t purchased it, but I read the outline and it appears VERY thorough. Charts out every area of your child’s reading skills. It even gives a diagnostic summary and pinpoints exactly where you need to work with your child (i.e. comprehension, phonics, etc). This company also runs another program (or online tool?) for reading tutoring online (possibly that is for older kids, i.e. 10yrs+)

    I’ll be curious if you get any other replies to this post to see if anyone else has used assessments (including Let’s Go Learn) and whether they found the process helpful. I’m slightly worried that if I go down this path, I’ll be embarking on a “how-does-my-kid-compare” focus — something I’ve been trying to stay away from. The reason this Let’s Go tool appeals to me somewhat is for the fact that it narrows in on exactly where you need to help your child the most. If you’re a teacher that might have trouble identifying that, it could be useful (?)

    Good luck!


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