DS9 is an ok reader but struggles with comprehension on more challenging passages. I have been slowly encouraging him in this area and have seen decent progress through oral and written narrations (this is our first year doing this)
I’ve noticed that he definitely retains much more information, and is able to engage with the text more, when I read to him. I have seen this across the curriculum (for example, math word problems are easier for him if I read them to him and he follows along) and he does better with the science material in the same manner.
My question is–am I handicapping him by continuing to read a lot of the lessons to him while he reads along? And if not yet, is there a point at which I would be? Is that just his learning style? I give him easier books to read on his own to build speed and confidence, but much of the rest of his work is done together. I’m new at this and am not sure how to gauge progress. (ps–the issue is definitely comprehension, not decoding).
Thanks for your help 🙂
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