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  • OK so my daughter is 7 but is reading at a much higher reading level. So on the CM guide, she is passed those specific ones listed. So how do I know for reading what to have her read? Right now she is reading the Chronicles of Narnia series for fun purposes. But since I’m so new at this, I’m really not sure exactly what level she is at and what to have her read for curriculum purposes.



    You could probably just read the ones on the next level. The only thing to be cautious of would be that the content will likely grow in maturity as you ‘move up the list’ (not immoral, of course, just more mature) and so you’ll need to make a judgment call for your daughter. The other thing you can do is look on the Book Finder and get some different selections. Since you mentioned Chronicles of Narnia, I’m thinking that you are specifically talking about Literature? Are you finding the same thing to be true in History?



    Well this year my daughter started the Chronicles of narnia just for fun. So I guess we will use that for literature for now. She has a really high reading level and reading comprehension level, but her math is hard for her.

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