Has anyone used Rays arithmetic and then switched to the simply Charlotte mason elementary arithmetic? Rays is cost effective but the elementary arithmetic is more current. I keep trying to search a comparison of the two (and the su curriculum also) curriculums but haven’t found anything! I want to use this vintage approach but am struggling between what to pull the trigger on.
We haven’t used Ray’s but use another vintage curriculum and I teach it using the SCM methodology from the dvd and book. It’s wonderful and made me fall in love with teaching math. But…I did just finally pull the trigger on SCM Elementary Arithmetic and I love it. It is made to teach this way but still has the vintage feel. I’m using book 3 with my son but still using the vintage curriculum with my daughter who just began formal lessons this year. I get my vintage curriculum free in public domain and print at home. I love them too. If you want super ease of use do SCM math…but if you really love the vintage math do that with the SCM method. Both totally work and are excellent. I think in the video they were using Ray’s…
Thank you for your input! It’s so hard to make decisions before just jumping in. I think I’m going to purchase those dvds I’ve heard a lot of good things about them