Raising meat birds?

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  • Misty

    Can anyone help me?  It’s Sunday and I can’t call anyone so I thought I’d see if you might know.

    How much food should I be feeding my broilers a day?  I have 49 (lost one).  They seem hungry all the time and are crazy!  LOL  Thanks

    Rachel White

    It depends upon what type of meat bird you have. If you have a hybrid type, (Cornish Roaster, Cornish Game Hens, Jumbo Cornish X Rocks) that was created for factory commercial meat production to be ready for slaughter at 8 weeks, they will eat you out of house and home. Frankly, they’re a freak of nature (actually science) and do not produce after their own kind.

    If you have heritage breed meat birds/dual purpose birds, like Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks, Jersey Giants, etc., it takes them longer to get to slaughter (anytime between 22-30 wks. or up to a year), but the food consumption rate is more acclimated for the homestead environment.

    Are they getting enough grit? Without the grit they won’t be able to digest properly.

    Is the protein level high enough? The hybrids have high protein demands, while a traditonal/heirloom breed doesn’t demand such a high level of protein in their food supply, though if you separate the ones designated for “meat” then you could feed them a higher protein ration to get them bigger quicker, perhaps instead of keeping them mixed in the rest of the flock.

    Do they have enough water? Chickens drink more than they eat.

    So, other than the general recommendations of enough grit and water, feed requirements depend upon what kind of meat birds you own. I don’t think I was very helpful, huh?

    Are you part of the Backyard Chicken forum? I know you could definitely get an answer there.




    ok so I have hybrid birds they are seperated.  They have plenty of water on hand and cleaned daily.  They are outside and have sand, dirt, yard to eat.  Yes they are a freak of nature.  So any suggestions on how much food?  I can’t do backyard chickens at my house I only have dial up and all the pictures freeze me up.  thanks misty


    We just butchered our first batch last week.  We had 9.  This time we’re doing 15.  We have the cornish/rock cross.  They may be a freak of nature, but it’s a whole lot better than buying chicken in the store.  We raise ours Joel Salatin’s way.  We built the coop like his (only smaller) and move it every day.  They are on lush pasture and are strong and healthy.  We feed them a natural (not organic) Purina Flock Raiser feed.  We have a feeder that holds, I don’t know, a gallon, maybe?  We filled it probably 2/3 full a day when they got big. 


    Rachel White

    I’m sorry, Misty; I don’t know the feeding requirements of the Cross birds. Do you have someone to call or a book to refer to? Robin above gave some good info.

    Hope you get what you need to know.




    My children raise meat birds (Cornish X) for 4h and last year 46 of them went through about 100 lbs of feed per week!!  Now we have Freedom Rangers for our own consumption and they eat quite a bit less — arounds 25ish lbs per week.  They are in a moveable pen so they do graze some but not quiet like a free range chicken.  At any rate they eat ALOT.  Its so hot here right now I don’t know if this is normal behaviour or not. 

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