Quwstion for Sonya- Joshua-Malachi Study Guide

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  • Kimberly

    Hi Sonya,

    We are just beginning the Joshua-Malachi study and I’ve been previewing the assignments.  With the readings from Uriah the Hittite, you don’t list “ask for a narration” after each chapter assignment.  I was reading the introduction in Uriah, and it is suggested to wait until the book has been completely read and gives two writing assignments that sound alot like narration- one is to tell/write about what the reader thought was the most important event and the second was to tell/write what the reader thought was the most interesting event.  Did you intend for the student to do these two “narrations” after they completed the book, instead of daily narrations over the chapters?



    Sonya Shafer

    Sometimes I don’t ask for a narration after each chapter when the child is reading historical fiction, because I want to use it simply as reinforcement or expansion on the concepts that were already narrated in another book. For example, Hittite Warrior expands on the concepts of life in the time of Deborah and Barak. Since the student already will be narration the actual story from Scripture, I just added Hittite Warrior to give them more of a feel of what it would be like to live in that time period. My emphasis is more on narrating the actual account from Scripture, with the historical fiction added for “color,” if you will.

    Now, that being said, you are certainly free to ask your child to narrate each chapter or to do those summary narrations at the end of the book. It’s a great way to evaluate what connections your child is making and how well they are “tracking” or enjoying the book.


    Thanks Sonya.  That makes sense.

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