I have been inputting my information today and I seem to have an issue.
I assigned Gen-Deut to the whole family. For the younger history books I set them to be used with Gen-Deut. But, for my older son who will read some books independently it will not allow me to assign them to be used with Gen-Deut.
OK..I have now answered my own questions for how to see a week at a glance. So if someone can answer the other questions I think I may be just about finished getting every thing in for a year. It was amazingly easy!!!!
Question 1 – I know of no way to tell an individual student to work on it w/ something assigned to family. I just give it the same start date and go from there.
Question 2 – You can’t add your own subjects as far as I know, but they just added a custom method option. Maybe custom subjects are in the works.
Question 3 – I make a master paper schedule that shows what subject/books we are working on each day of the week and we just keep going where we left off. For books that we don’t use as often (every other wk or something) or that we jump around in, I make a bookmark that shows “Wk 1 – p. 12-14; Wk 4 – p. 56 – 87, etc” and tuck it into the book. That’s my low tech way.
For my child I will make a weekly checklist of subjects and either laminate or print it off and pencil in any needed details.
I’m sure you’ll get better answers, but hopefully this might be at least in the right direction.