Question on The Story of the Greeks

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  • Natalie

    I have not purchased anything yet (just looking at all the sample pages available) and I’m not familiar with much History. But wanting everything factual to be biblically correct especially History.When reading the first page of The Story of the Greeks, the author writes, “The history of Greece goes back to the time when people did not know how to write…”. Is the author just talking about a certain group of people (the Pelasgians) or is the author taking a non Creation based view (neanderthal). Thank you for your help.


    If I remember correctly, it was that group of people. If I am not mixing up my books, after a few chapters she talks about the god Pan, and then explains that after Christ came, Pan was forgotten. (It is either in The Story of the Greeks OR in The Story of Greece by Mary MacGregor.) But really, all of that is in like the first 5-8(?) chapters. After that you are into the history.


    It looks like you are looking at Guerber’s original Story of the Greeks.  SCM recommends the one revised by Christine Miller.  Christine revised and expanded on Guerber’s and is creation based.  From what I can see, Christine has included much Bible information that was not in the original. I have Christine’s, bought directly from Nothing New Press if that helps.

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