Question on beginning next year…

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  • zantoc

    Hello!  I am a homeschooling mama to 4 kiddos currently using Sonlight.  I do so love the books but we are in different Cores based on their ages and I would love to combine next year.   I have used MFW and HOD and while I like them also, I get the itch mid year wondering if I could make up my own…I am wondering where to start with my kids?  They will be 3,6,11,13. 



    Sonya Shafer

    Probably the easiest would be to figure out which time period would be best for your oldest two and go from there. Which time periods of history are they doing now?


    We are studying American History this year.


    Sonya Shafer

    Sounds like you could probably start at the beginning with Genesis through Deuteronomy and Ancient Egypt. If your oldest is 12 and is doing American History now, you should still have 6 years left to do the six history modules. Your soon-to-be 6yo would be starting at the beginning right from the start and would get the six modules twice before graduating. Your youngest would get all six modules twice, in chronological order though starting in the middle somewhere. And your almost 10yo would get all six modules with a year or two extra to review or to focus on government or worldview or something like that if you would like to.

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