I don’t think my DD6 is ready to copy the countries names into the space allowed (some very very small). I was considering copying the continent of Africa and then cutting out the pieces and having her place them on but not sure if this will work on the part of helping remember what they are even though we would be reviewing each week.
Any thoughts? What have others done if their child is not ready for copying the words into little tiny spaces?
I’ve been having my 8yo point to the countries as I say the name, or I’ve pointed to the countries as she’s named them. She hasn’t been enjoying all the writing with Visits and I don’t want her to be discouraged. There is also the printed out words of the countries that they can cut & paste on…it’s in the back of the book. My 10yo who previously struggled with labeling maps is doing really well this year, so I’d just give it some time.
Another option that my DC have enjoyed are Geopuzzles. I’ve found them to be a good review as well. When we covered Africa, we used to build the puzzle and then have our mapdrill. I think this year we’ll be building it on weeks when Visits doesn’t have a mapdrill scheduled.
We have Geopuzzules and I didn’t even think of them. Thank you! I think the saying them and pointing would work better than my idea of her pasting on the country shape, because really it doesn’t help with memory and now just seems like busy work as I think about it
How about just having her color the countries and possibly putting the first letter. That’s what we did with Africa when dd was 6-7. Worked beautifully. Something as simple as, “what color to you want for Senegal this week?” Works.
Start fresh each week. Start by asking them to label and/or color what they remember. So maybe they remember Senegal, Algeria, and Zimbabwe. Great! Ask, “Can you put an S on Senegal, an A on Algeria, and a Z on Zimbabwe?” and/or “Choose a color for a country and tell me which one you are coloring.” Once that is done. Go over any previously learned, but not remembered in the same manner. Then add a few new ones. This works. It’s simple, but works. I’ve been doing it in my family for years and with our CM co-op of 50+ kids since last year (ages 6-18), it works.
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