Question for users of Outdoor Secrets and 106 Days?

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  • Anonymous

    For those of you who have used Outdoor Secrets w/the Companion OR 106 Days, how did you schedule it?

    Did anyone use it 5x/week and then do something else for the rest of the year?

    Would love to hear your thoughts on this.


    We haven’t started Outdoor Secrets and companion yet, will in August. My plan is to do 2x a week and have more of a random nature study/journal day as well. I had heard someone else on this forum who did OS 2x per week over the course of the year and it worked out pretty well. If we get done with it before the school year’s up, I’ll just do some living books that I have in mind at that point like Among the People series or Burgess books.


    We have a second grader and a preK guy listening in so we do it 3x a week. Even scheduling it only 3x a week we’ll have to start 106 days to finish out the year. It is fairly short lessons, even including my 4 year old so you could def. schedule more days a week. We just perfer to keep our days short therefore we schedule art and music the days we don’t do science.


    We did 106 days 3x’s a week. We will be doing that again this year with my youngest who was an infant the first time around. We are doing Outdoor Companion this summer as a fill in whenever sort of thing. So no real rhyme or reason. I would suggest keeping to 3 x’s a week to savor 106 days. You could fill in the other days with something completely different or you could use those days to read library books related to that topic to savor the lessons all the more.


    We’re doing Outdoor Secrets right now, and we do one chapter a week. So often three lessons (three days), but sometimes two, and I think there will be one week with four if I’m remembering correctly. We’re going to do that Amoung the Farmyard People curriculum that one of the ladies here has posted on her blog in the interim and then we’ll start 106 Days. We’re thoroughly enjoying it so far. I’ve been finding the books for Outdoor Secrets so great!




    I love the book selections from Outdoor secrets also. And I have been able to find them all at the library.

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