Question for those who have used SCM history modules

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Question for those who have used SCM history modules

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  • CrystalN

    I am trying to come up with a way to condense 6 modules into 4 years for high school. I have an idea but since I have never used the modules I can only judge from samples so I wanted to get some input from the experienced. So here is my idea. Would it be practical to do the Bible portion of the modules in the evening with Dad? Or would that mess up the flow. In the early modules I think we would cover all five days in three. Doing Bible at night at then the history and geography within those three days but during “school time”. I know in the later modules history and Bible arent related so that would be easy, but would it work when Bible is a big portion of the history? I hope that makes sense. Any Bible related assignment for my high schooler would be done during “school”, but we would do the family reading at night. Any help would be appreciated. I know I have asked this wuestion before but I keep coming up with more ideas I want to bounce off the experts.





    I am no expert, but I can tell you what we did. I condensed modules 1-3 into one year. And I have never done the Bible part of the SCM modules, we just do our own Bible thing.

    Condensing modules 1-3 makes things a little rushed, but I’d rather rush the ancient years than rush the more modern years.

    When we did those condensed modules, I did use the Bible as one of our spines, and out the events of the Bible on the timeline, so my girls could see how it all lined up.

    Hope that helps some, or at least gives you some more ideas.


    I am following in the footsteps of some ladies I read about on here many years ago who combined modules 1-3 into one year. So far, it has worked out great! We complete about 10-12 lessons a week because we do the Bible portion at other times (every day at breakfast and at night with Dad a couple times a week). This has just replaced some other Bible element we already had in place, so it has not been too much for us. It does take me a few minutes each weekend to write on my schedule what we plan to read and when, based on the lessons in the SCM guide and Visits books. It is not quite as “open-and-go” for me as the mom as the prior three years when we did modules 4-6.  (I do have 9 kids; some in each age range of the guides). We love SCM history, but I didn’t want to spend three years on the Ancients. I am so pleased with how it is going! We like the spines and my kids enjoy their individual books. I have skipped a few of “the drawing the map” lessons, but have done everything else. It has been a wonderful blessing to read through the Bible together with my family! It has been neat to see how the Bible stories I know (which are true) fit in with “regular” history. For instance, we recently read about King Xerxes/Ahaseurus in Story of the Greeks. Well, we already knew him from the book of Esther. Now we know more details about him. We are making connections! Keeping up with our book of centuries helps too. Hope this helps!


    Thank you all that is very helpful. I was planning to do Modules 1/2 in 9th, then 3/4 in 10th, then give both 5 and 6 a whole year to themselves in 11th and 12th. It sounds like doing the Bible studies in the evening will totally work. I am so excited.


    Your plan sounds very reasonable to me.  I have younger kids, and we did Ancient Egypt in one year, but a high schooler could certainly do it much quicker.  We are combining Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome this year.  I agree that the 5th and 6th year and pretty in-depth and need their own years.  Also, we found the Bible to not really be that in sync with the timeline anyway.  So we are plowing ahead with Bible even faster than the recommended rate. We do Bible every day, History every day, and Geography once a week with a quick review another day.


    If you search you’ll find more threads, but here was one …

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