Question for moms with large families/age span

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Question for moms with large families/age span

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  • Tracy Menard

    How much time are you working on school in a day.

    Group work/morning basket?

    Independent work? (listening to narrations/working with younger children on subjects)

    Checking independent work done by older students (middle school/high school)?

    Working with preschoolers?

    Grading/record keeping/prep work?

    Nature study/outside time?

    This year I will have 17yo, 14yo, 12yo, 10yo, 8yo, 6yo, 4yo, and a toddler.  My oldest graduated this summer and will be around to help a bit, but I’m not wanting to plan on that because her schedule is still very much undecided for the coming year.

    I’m working on getting a grasp on how much time I need to plan for one on one time and group work.  Hearing from others is helpful.





    I’ll give this a shot but my schedule isn’t perfect. Our kids are similar in age! My kids are 16, almost 14, almost 12, 9, 7, 4 and a toddler. My two oldest have graduated.

    My plan is to start the day paying a little attention to the toddler, then (9 or 9:30) do Bible, Bible memory and one thing from our fine arts loop. That shouldn’t take more than 30 min.

    Then we switch to my time with the 4 and 7 year olds doing Five in a Row. I’ll have the toddler with us if he cooperates. Otherwise I’ll beg the oldest to watch him. ?  Then I’ll help the 7 year old with math and reading instruction. While I’m with these little ones my olders will be working on independent work ( math, independent reading, Spelling Wisdom if it’s not a dictation day etc. ) and possibly taking turns with the toddler.

    When finished with the littles I make myself available to help everyone who needs it, with math or language arts.

    This is our whole morning. I start between 9 and 9:30 and stop for lunch at 11:30 or 12:00. If anyone gets done earlier they can play or get started on daily chores.

    After lunch we will do 2 subjects during the toddler’s nap. history and Lit 2 days and science and Lit 2 days. Friday’s will only be history. I decided to plan this way because it’s so hard to read aloud and narrate etc. With a toddler around!

    Friday mornings I won’t require much in language arts and instead we will do art and nature study. If they need to finish some of this in the afternoon, they may.

    When I have an audio book for our literature selection I may play it during lunch. I’m also going to play our composer’s music during lunch some days.

    My 16 yo works very independently and I’ll check in with her/ listen or read narration when I’m helping everyone at the table in the morning or sometime after lunch.

    This may need tweaked but it’s the general plan. HTH!


    Tracy, you have quite the age range to work with!  Mine are 14, 11, 9, 6, and 2.

    In the past I’ve done routines, but this year we are trying a timed schedule…I had a really hard time figuring out how to schedule everything in this year!  I’m sure the schedule will end up more of a guideline to keep me on track than a strictly followed schedule.

    • 7-8: breakfast, get ready, clean kitchen, tidy house
    • 8-8:30: preschool & phonics while older DC work on spelling & copywork/handwriting
    • 8:30-9:10: Latin, start math with younger two.  We have 2 Latin programs going, so the younger two don’t take very long.  Older ones are using Visual Latin, so it’s mostly on DVD.
    • 9:10-9:50: Math, oral math drills, math games.  We use MUS, so my actual teaching time is minimum.  I grade as they finish, then they do corrections immediately while it’s fresh in their minds.
    • 9:50-10:20: Literature with “Second Breakfast” for my Hobbit loving DC.  We are using literature guides for the first time with these readings.
    • 10:20-11:20: Composition, Grammar, Devotion, Assigned Reading, MP’s Enrichment with 1st grader
    • 11:20-12:30: Lunch prep, lunch, kitchen chores, break.  Adding  a bit of “home ec” with the lunch prep, since they will be cooking lunch.
    • 12:30-1: “morning basket”–recitation, 2nd literature reading (no lit guides at this time), 1-2 “extras”
    • 1-2:30: history selection & science selection, we may finish earlier
    • 2:30-5:00: Piano practice, outdoor time, special projects or chores, dinner prep

    I don’t have breaks scheduled in, but I was very generous with our times.  I plan on taking breaks as needed.   14yo will have some one-on-one time with me at 2:30 if needed.  We’ll probably go over Apologia or Harmony Fine Arts at this time.


    Tracy – I love your kids ages! I don’t have so many older ones. Mine are 15, 11, 10, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, and 9 months. Here is a general hours answer to each of your questions:

    Morning Basket: 30 minutes

    Table time with Elementary and middle school kids: 1 1/2 hrs (preschool can be there too, with activity boxes like puzzles, paint, playdoh, coloring, etc if they wish).

    Read aloud history: 30 minutes

    One on one with high schooler: 1 hour

    Open office hours for anyone who needs me: 1 hour in the afternoon

    Nature study: we don’t schedule this, it just happens when we are outside.

    Outside time: this varies based on weather and interest. We’re in town, with a small yard, in an area that is not ok to wander. Some days we’re not outside at all. Other days we spend 1-2 hours outside. Occcasionally we’re out 3+ hours, such as when we do a fire in the fire pit, cook dinner over the fire, play, and watch the bats and the stars come out. Then there are occasional days where we take the kids somewhere to be out in nature.

    Honest confession? Outside time is hard for us because 1 child is in a wheelchair (limits movement, though he’s 4 and getting stronger so becoming more able to do all surfaces) and he also does not sweat (medical issue) so he can overheat easily in warm or hot weather. Add in paralysis and poor circulation in his lower extremities and in cold weather he can freeze far earlier than a typical person – without realizing it. So outside time takes a lot more effort on my part than I would like. I have to be present and helping him move around, while also keeping track of the 3yo and crawling baby. 😉 But I try to be consistent at going outside with them all.


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