Question about website- chart with samples?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Question about website- chart with samples?

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  • llm

    Hello Everyone!

    We LOVE SCM and have used this website and these materials as we have begun our HS journey.  I have not been on the website very often since I did my planning and had our third baby.  Now i went on and looked for a great chart that was on the site with sample ideas of books, etc.  Now I cannot seem to find it— Does anyone know how to find it?  I was looking for ideas on other first reader books.

    Thank you so much for any help you can provide.


    Jordan Smith

    We used to present our free curriculum guide in chart form, but when we updated our recommendations earlier this year, we changed to a list view that had been requested by many people who found the chart confusing. The link suzukimom gave is to the old chart version, which doesn’t have our latest recommendations.

    When you say you’re looking for first reader books, are you looking for books to teach reading, or for literature suggestions for first grade?

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