Question about Stories of America volumes

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  • veggiegirl

    I want to teach my children American history along w/the states we’re studying and bring them as close to current of the history of the country today. Is this volume one that would give them a good understanding of the history of our country or is it more of a supplement? The sample pages didn’t provide me w/enough information to see how the material is taught. Has anyone used volume one before where they can offer some feedback about the material? I know volume 2 is scheduled to be released a little later and I would like someone who has more information about that volume to provide answers to my questions also.

    Thank you.

    Sonya Shafer

    Stories of America gives the stories of key people and events in American history, along with some classic American poetry. You would use it like any other living book: read and narrate. It’s short enough that you can add other living books as you work your way through it. For example, the books listed under American History on the Early Modern module on our Curriculum Guide (choose your grade level) could easily be added as you come to those events and people in Stories of America. Volume 1 goes through 1850 (pre-Civil War) and Volume 2 will go from 1850 through present day.

    So Sonya, would you say that Stories of America could be considered a “spine” book for history study?


    Do we know when Volume 2 will be released?

    Karen Smith

    Yes, Stories of America would be considered a spine. The stories are short and cover the main thread of history. You can easily add biographies and historical fiction books to supplement it.

    Volumes 2 of Stories of America and Stories of the Nations are tentatively scheduled to be published next spring with the guide for Module 6.

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