Question about Spines in SCM Modules

  • This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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    If you work through all six of the module guides in the elementary years, what do you do for a spine your second time around since you’ve already read the ones in the guides?


    From my knowledge, you reread them again. The children will be six years older if you’re on a standard six year rotation and gleen a lot more information than they did the first time through. I’m sure the same will be for mom too (at least that will hold true for me since I didn’t have history like this when I was in school).


    Okay. Thanks MelissaB. I’m just wondering though, if this were my older daughter (which it won’t be since she’s in 10th grade), she would most likely be like “Mom, we already read this. Why are we reading it again?” My younger daughter, who I’m thinking about starting SCM module 1 with, may not react that way. But as I think about it, you will have done everything in the guide already….the history spine, the geography, the Bible, the scripted portion. Bear with me here, just thinking through this as I am doing my planning…but the only thing you’d be doing different would be the selections for the age levels, right? I’m wondering if that would be too repetitive to do the same thing again for all three subjects. Is there anyone who has cycled back around and has used a guide the second time around that could share how you’ve done it and how it worked out for you and your family? I really appreciate it. 🙂


    Yes, as far as I understand you would reread them.  But, as your children are all that older, there will be other books that go with it second time round.  First time you miss some of the other literature.  I’m familiar with a few of the spines and it doesn’t hurt to hear them again.  Actually, the same is true for some of the literature 😉



    I am on cycle two. I will try to return to this post this evening when I have more time to share how it works for us.


    Thanks missceegee. I look forward to hearing how it is working for you all on your second time through the material. 🙂


    Our CM co-op starts the new term tomorrow and I’ve still a few things to prepare, so this will be brief, but I will try to return and answer other questions as I’m able. 

    We are using Module 1 this year. We began with SCM module 2, five years ago. Currently my oldest dd12 completes all of the grade 7-9 work plus additional books as I’ve assigned individually. She also has the option of listening in to family work (Bible, commentary, geography, etc) or doing it on her own. Most often she does it on her own. 

    For modules 1-3, scripture is a huge part of the program. We did different Bible for modules 4-6 the first time around. No issues with repeating scripture study! Also, the other books will be read with deeper meaning when older. I have no issue with switching out a book should the need arise. For example, if when we return to module 6, dd12 remembers the Stories of the Nations and Americas books well, then I’ll give her other books. If not, she can reread them. Six years is a long time. I will likely give her some extra books anyway. 

    For the geography Map Drills – no issue in repeating a continent every 6 years. I can always have her add more detail. We always have some other geography type book going, too. So many novels are great for this as are memoir type books.

    This has been random due to my time, but all in all – repeating every 6 years is not a concern of mine. Adding more as needed per each child, I do anyway. 




    Thanks for sharing Christie! I really appreciate it!

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