Question about setting up CURRICULUM

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  • Ok, I have a quick question, I ordered All-Day Charlotte Mason Seminar on DVD, will this help me actually write down and set up what I want to accomplish day to day???


    I cannot answer your question about the CD but I can tell you that I purchased the Planning Your CM Education ebook and it has been a HUGE blessing!  I tried to take short-cuts (that’s just me) but when I finally sat my butt down and worked thru the pages, I had finished planning the entire year for next fall!  All I need to do now is plan the weekly/daily stuff, but that can wait as we get closer to the fall.  I don’t like to schedule EVERYTHING … life happens.  If the CD doesn’t help, I highly recommend you purchasing the Planning ebook.

    My 2 cents, Angie.


    The All Day CM Seminar teaches you how to teach every subject in a CM manner, it does NOT help with planning. It is awesome and highly recommended, but it is the wrong resource for planning.

    For help (terrific help) with planning, you need the Planning your CM Education book. There is also a DVD for the planning book. Both are great and I highly recommend them. I just finished all of my planning for next year using these and it was simple and painless.




    On this note – I’ve been wondering…is the DVD the same as the book?  I have the book and I’ve been wondering about the DVD.


    The DVD walks you through each step and tells you to pause to do each step. I wouldn’t say it is necessary, but I have found it helpful and encouraging the 2 years that I’ve used it. Now, next time I may use just the book.



    Sonya Shafer

    If you are the type who can read a book and understand what you should do, you would need only the book. I created the DVD for those who learn better by hearing and talking rather than just reading. So if you are the type who learn better by hearing someone explain something, you would want to get the DVD too.


    I LOVE both the DVD and the book – and I totally love the All Day Seminar as well. Not a planning tool per se, it sure does help you see how it can all fit together and takes away the yikes factor when  you are looking at lots of different course titles. Sonya shows you how to do them all!  I highly recommend both resources, especially if you don’t have a supportive CM group around you. I love mine and refer to them both often! We did the All Day Seminar over a course of a few weeks in our support groups, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.



    Thanks for the thoughts…I am getting ready to order the seminar now to do with some friends.  I’m thinking about what other products I might want to order at the same time – hence the question!  I’m so looking forward to it.

    I have both the book and DVD and found both brilliant.  The DVD clarified some of the bits in the book that confused me,so if you can afford it – I would get both.  I just whipped them out again to see what I can plan this coming year.  Illness is forcing me to do things differently this year, but I am still using the planner where I can. It is a great resource and for those of us who are chaotic types, it puts a nice order in place.  Even though I cannot plan properly this year, I am still finding it a benefit to put in what I would like to accomplish – so it is even useful under these trying circumstances.

    Thank you so much ladies for all the help!! That makes sense, and I know now I will be purchasing the planner as well 🙂 I just didnt want to purchase anything unecessarily, because with buying all the curriculum and books etc.. it can put a dent in the wallet.

    I am so excited to sit and watch my all day seminar!! I am one who can benefit from actually seeing, and not just reading… So Im happy about this purchase!!

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