I have a question of how to record chapters read out of order and still have the option to go back to mark off previous chapters. For instance we read the Child’s Story Bible the parts about the book of acts so I want to mark that we read that but later I may want to read something about Samuel. There is another book about horses and I need to skip depending on what horse we are studying. Any solutions for this? Sorry if this question is confusing. Thank you for your help!
Not confusing at all, Monica. Currently the only way to schedule chapters out of order is to add your own resource and enter the chapters in the order you want to cover them. That works if you know the order you want to use.
Another option would work if you want to be able to pick chapters as you go along. That would be to add your own resource and put in “Assignment” or something instead of “Chapter” for the divisions. Then just number the assignments. When you decide which chapter you’re reading today, you can add a note on the Daily Plan that tells that Assignment 1 was Chapter 18.
Do those ideas help? (We have on the wish list that we want to be able to schedule chapters out of order. So we’re working on it. )