Question about rearranging Chapter/Lesson Order

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  • Marcee

    I have a couple of resources we read out of order. I created a Division with all of the chapters listed. I know I can put chapter 90 at the top of the list to show it’s what we are reading 1st. If we decided to do Chapter 15 next can I drag it up under 90? I tried to do something like this today and it wouldn’t work:/


    yes you can…  to drag you need to move it from the right side where the little arrows are… hope that is clear.


    Here is what I did:

    I had accidentallly listed Chapter 69 as the first chapter we were reading. It was actually 80. I went into the scheduler and chose 80 from the list and drug it above 69, but when I hit save it still showed 69 as the first chapter. I had to resort the chapters back to the chronilogical order and then drag 80 to the top for it to show up correctly.I would like to be able to drag and drop chapters at random as we read them. Does this make sense? 


    Please disregard my previous post-I figured it out! I needed to make sure the chapter I selected to move was green instead of grayed out. 

    Doug Smith

    I’m glad to hear to figured it out. We’ll check that out, though, and see if it should behave differently with a mix of selected and unselected chapters.


    Doug, I know that a few times I have gone to drag something to move it… but didn’t do it at the right-hand side…  and ended up unselecting it by accident….

    Not sure how to make it clearer….  

    Doug Smith

    We thought about making it so you could drag it from anywhere but we were afraid of accidentally rearranging divisions if your mouse was moving a bit when you click. This seemed to be the least destructive option if you do the wrong thing because a simple click will re-enable the division.


    Yes, it is an easy fix…  but it can catch you off guard if you don’t notice it change to gray….  Once I realized what had happened it wasn’t a big deal…. but the first time I did that I didn’t know what I’d done wrong, just that things hadn’t changed like I’d expected.

    Basically, it is the type of thing that can catch a new person, or someone not paying close attention, off guard and confuse them.

    I still think it is good the way it is, just wanted to mention that it can happen, and that possibly that is what had happened to Marcee

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