This is our first year of truly diving into CM methods and I’ve been using SCM’s guide for module 1. I am not loving the spine and my six year old definitely isn’t loving it. I think I’m not loving it, because I can see that it’s too much for him and he’s not getting into it or following it.
This surprises me because I’ve heard nothing but praise for this book. But since my only child is a first grader, is it just rather above him? Maybe it would be different if he were older? For now, I’ve shelved it and have used other books instead. We enjoyed Growing Up in Ancient Egypt, for example. It was exactly his speed and I enjoyed it myself!
Well, this answers my question to you from the other post. We came here from Sonlight, and I am still using many of the Sonlight books to teach history because they are more age appropriate for my ds7 and dd4. We focused on Creation Week for a time. For ancient history, we really like Usborne Time Traveler and I have read some stories here and there from Story of the World vol. 1. We read King Tut..Lost and Found. Watched the movies King of Dreams about Joseph and Prince of Egypt about Moses. Then we also checked out lots of picture books from the library on Egypt and an audio set of dramatizatios of Old Testament we listened to in the van. We have a wall timeline we do as a family to bring it all together. I look at many booklists for age appropriate books for ancient history. My long term plan is to do 3 history rotations. The first is only 2 years for a brief overview for young children’s levels, then 5 years for the next two rotations using SCM. I think it is a great history program, but more geared to a little older kids. Also, my kids have liked coloring books on the topic. There are many available for Bible. Check out Color and Learn series, Dover series, or Ancient Egypt dot-to-dot (a favorite with my kids – and helps with counting to 100).–Connect-Color/dp/1402728808/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1318832534&sr=8-1
You can do a similar study on Greece, China, Rome ,etc. The important thing for Greece is when Paul goes in Acts 17. Don’t focus too much on all the false gods. Also share about the first Olympics games with a picture book. And there is the Trojan War reader. For China, we used SOTW1 some and The Great Wall of China and The Emporer’s Silent Army and watched Big Bird Goes to China dvd from the library. Rome is in the Usborne Time Traveler and the Biblical focus is on the Roman soldiers and Jesus. I hope that helps. Of course you don’t need to use the same books I have used, but it give you an idea. My kids love history and I know they remember things because it shows when it is not school time.
We haven’t actually used the Oxford book yet as we decided to postpone doing Module 1 for another year, but I’d say if that wasn’t working for you and you did find another book that did, then go for it! I wouldn’t feel guilty about tweaking to make things work for you.
When I had done module 1 for my younger grades it was the original version. Then it was updated. Anyway we did not originally have the Oxford First Ancient History scheduled in the family read but it was assigned for the much older grades. I see now that it is included in the family readings. So that being said we just read the Growing Up in Ancient Egypt and Boys of the Pyramid. If you go with that it would probably be just fine and then when you hit the module again you could had those chapters to the family read.
Thank you for the wonderful suggestions and encouragement! Kim–it’s interesting to me that this is newly scheduled for the young ones. Hmmmm. Mostly, I am learning that I need to RELAX. There is no perfect way of doing this and I am truly capable of learning my child and figuring out what is best for HIM. Thanks, everyone.
I am doing mod 1 with my 1st gr ds. Hunted and searched thinking I just couldn’t possibly do it without this book, found it for a reasonable price….and we don’t like it at all. Not enough flow/too wordy, much more textbook than expected. So I will eventually be selling it. So now I am finally feeling the freedom to just use what I can find at my library ( one on Cleopatra, one on King Tut, waiting for Pyramids book, add in a dvd on the pyramids and Ancient Egypt, found this book for $.50 : See Thru History Ancient Egypt that we like. Will be ordering Boy of the Pyramids soon as well. And now we’re having much more fun with it. (did enjoy the salt dough map as well). All that to encourage and say use what you do enjoy and don’t worry too much about it.
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