Question About Nature Study Resources

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Question About Nature Study Resources

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  • psreitmom

    This fall we will be doing 106 Days of creation. Is that set up to do nature study along with it or should I use Hours Out-of-Doors with it? I just want to make sure I’m not using more than I need. I like having some sort of guide, but I didn’t know if it would work to use 106 Days…. as a nature study guide. Just wondering what you all do for nature study along with 106 Days….


    Nature Study suggestions are included. 😉


    sheraz, thanks.

    If I would have taken the time to look, I would have seen that:( I think I ordered too much for this fall! When I joined SCM in February, I got a little carried away. Oh, well. I guess I’ll have a little less to buy for the following year:)


    psreitmom…I look at all the packages I have arriving in the mail and wonder if I’ve overbought for the fall too!! LOL Oh well, if we don’t get to everything, there is always the following year 🙂


    Just in case you haven’t had time to read Hours in the Out of Doors, it is a teacher resource on why nature study is important in CM’s own words. It is not a schedule of nature study experiences. 😉

    Doesn’t your heart go pitty-pat when you get a new box in the mail??! 


    Yes, I realize Hours in the Out of Doors is not a scheduled natured study. But, I thought some used it as guide while doing their nature study. It gives ideas for what to do during a nature study, so it will be a help when I’m not using a scheduled one. Since 106 Days…. gives nature study ideas, I can refer to Hours…. on my own when desired. I know nature study is to be the child’s own observations, but I like to have something to follow:)

    Yes, I have to admit I like to get boxes in the mail. When I know they have all arrived, it’s like a let down:( It’s also depressing to think of the money I spent!:(:( But so worth being able to have my daughter at home:):):)

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