Question about history studies and enrichment studies

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  • ruizmeachel73

    Hello again I have another question regarding History and Enrichment studies , as I was reading the description of each study and to me it sounds for more a like a family that has more than one child can I use these studies if I have only one child? He will be starting first grade, do I even need to add these studies for first grade? Thank you for your esponses in advance 🙂


    How exciting, starting 1st grade! We have homeschooled since the beginning, using a lot of SCM materials. My youngest just finished 3rd grade. With my oldest I thought I needed to “check all the boxes” and by my third I realized we could relax and learning was always happening. First check with your state, are their guidelines that you are required to meet, and even if there are, keep in mind that you can sometimes be creative with time and curriculum.

    1st grade – I would continue to work on good habits, do a lot of reading outloud and depending on your student gain skills in reading, math, and writing.

    1st grade –

    math (we chose MUS because we have used for years and like it, but SCM now has a great math program as well)

    Language arts – learning to read skills growing with reading aloud to me. Copy work, depending on the student cursive or print and it could be a whole line to copy or just a few words. I have three kids and all varied in their writing ability in 1st grade. Don’t worry about a spelling or grammar program. Read a lot of books out loud and continue to encourage your student in reading. SCM has reading programs available that are really helpful especially if still in early reading stage.

    Science- SCM has really good early science that incorporates read aloud and nature study. We did outdoor secrets when my youngest was in 1st and it was so much fun!

    History – you can do a history guide. We started with Early American/World because I really liked the read aloud book suggestions for the 1st-3rd grade group, but you could also just as easily select books from time periods and read them. What I came to realize is that those early elementary years are about creating a love of learning, not to worry about how many we read, but how much we enjoyed reading together. Some choose to start at the beginning with Ancient Egypt, you can not go wrong, just select books that you will enjoy.

    Nature Study – go on walks and look at bugs and critters 🙂

    Picture Study and Hymn Study – enjoy this. Look at things together and just start to expose your student to a variety. But keep it light. Don’t quiz then, just enjoy it.

    Literature – read together a variety and style of books 🙂

    Also remember that school does not have to take all day. It can even be split up. Read aloud can happen before bed or after lunch, math can happen over breakfast, history reading over lunch… Games and puzzles are great way to learn new skills as well.

    I would suggest investing in quality books and things that you can use again in a few years or enjoy reading or using again. This is why I really like the SCM guides, can reuse as the children cycle back. Also the book suggestions are enjoyed in our free reading. Also as amazing as so many options can be, I have found that “shutting out” the blogs and things, and focusing on what works for my children helped the most. It is so easy to get caught up in a good thing, but that does not always mean it is good for my family right now.

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