Question about highschool history and credits

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  • kemahkac

    I am new to this forum and to SCM. I have five children, one of whom just graduated. I have been home schooling classically for a long time and am just plum worn out. My upcoming 9th grader is very bright but cannot keep up a push push academic schedule any longer due to an anxiety disorder she has had her whole life. So, I am wanting to switch to SCM and enjoy life! My question is: can I use Christine Miller’s Story of the Middle Ages and Story of the Renaissance and Reformation as a spine for book 4 with some added books for history and worldview worldview highschool credit? It appears that I can give 1 credit for history from the sample schedule given on the website. Also, will I be able to easily substitute Miller’s books for Famous Men series using the handbook? I am going to the conference in Jacksonville and am very excited!


    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, E, and welcome. Looking forward to seeing you in Jacksonville. 

    I would think you could substitute the Miller books for the Famous Men books. The main challenge you will face is that the Miller books have many more chapters than the Famous Men, so you may need to double up on some of the readings. The other challenge will be fitting the Voices of the Renaissance and Reformation book to the Miller book’s chapters, since it was written to correspond to Famous Men of the R&R. But you can probably look in the Miller book’s index to see in which chapters the various men are mentioned and align the Voices collection accordingly.

    Doable? Absolutely, with some tweaking. Hope this helps!


    Thank you so much! I own the Miller books and do like how they flow. I will have to look at Famous Men and see if I like them. It may not be worth the tweaking to use the Miller books, lol!



    Emily, I personally prefer the Miller books over the Famous Men series. I know many here do as well. Also modules 1-3 are being rewritten using Miller’s books, I believe. I know module one was.

    My co-op is hosting Sonya in Jacksonville. I look forward to meeting you!


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