Question about gifted children. Serious question – not intending to brag.

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  • 2flowerboys

    yep, my ds finds it hard to socialize..he is very friendly but can be OCD about one thing when talking to people. And yes, he is behind in maturity also as well as being depressed about himself!

    Thanks Suzuki for sharing your story and you to Bookworm! 🙂


    Bump 🙂


    I was thrust into the gifted classes as a kid, and then placed in a special ‘blended’ class (like skipping a grade). The only benefit of being around other ‘gifted’ kids was that the teacher was much more encouraging in outside-the-box thinking and creative teaching practices. Both of these things could easily be replicated at home – by you!

    Also, I noticed that many of the ‘gifted’ kids from my class sort of leveled out in high school, due to the desire to fit in, and the lack of focus on character growth. They (and I!) weren’t accustomed to working hard and finishing tasks. Without character training, it doesn’t take long for an intelligent person to figure out how to cheat the system. If I didn’t have to work hard…then why should I?

    Salvation and developing Godly character is the absolute most important things to focus on no matter what a child’s IQ. Every child is unique and special. I would not discuss the ‘score’ with your son. I wouldn’t test him again, either. Just focus on him becoming a lifelong learner who is teachable, humble and open. In the end, that is what will ensure his success in life – not the score on a test.

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