Question about Family History Module

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  • Marcee

    This is going to be a DUMB question-is the Family Mod in lieu of doing it by grade? In the Fall I will have a 2nd and 4th grader. I would really like to keep the children together as much as I can. 




    You have freedom to do it however you choose, but the modules are set up with Family Read-Alouds for all; books to be read-aloud to 1st-3rd, books for the 4th-6th to read to themselves as able, same for 7-9th and 10-12th. Everyone studying the same topic, but at their own level.




    Marcee – your children are close enough in age you can just choose one level of grade books to use together too.  So you would read the family read aloud together, then read the 1st-3rd grade books together too, OR read the Family read aloud book together and then just the 4th-6th grade books together, skipping the 1st-3rd.  It really depends on your children. 


    What I’m doing is a bit different, but my kids ages are broader.  I have a girl turning 10 next month (5th grade), 6.5 yo boy (1st grade), 5yo girl (K/1st, keeps up with brother easily), 3yo boy, 2yo boy, 6 month old boy, and baby due in January.  So the gap between my two oldest is 4 grades.  We read the family read alouds together.  Then I read the 1st-3rd grade books to all the younger children while my oldest reads the 4th-6th grade books on her own.  She then comes and narrates to me. 

    Make it work for you – you are the master of the curriculum, not the other way around!


    Thanks Ladies! Just to make sure I understand-this is for History, Geo and Bible. Which books would I read A-loud and which ones for independant? 

    Family Books:PyramidThe Mystery of the Hieroglyphs, Letters from Egypt (grades 1-2), Material World;Hungry Planet, Exodus: A Commentary for ChildrenNumbers: A Commentary for Children,

    2nd-4th Grade:Boy of the PyramidsPharaoh’s Boat, The Child’s Story Bible (we already have this); True Story of Noah’s Ark

    4th Grade: Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt

    Maps: Then and Now Bible MapsUncle Josh’s Outline Map Book. Do I need both?

    Sonya Shafer

    The Family books are the ones you will read aloud. Two caveats: Letters from Egypt may be over the head of your youngest children, so be sure to look at the sample and see if you think it will work for your children’s ages. Material World and Hungry Planet I just set out for leisure reading. The youngest look at the photographs. Those two books have been permanent fixtures on my coffee table for years.

    The books listed for 1-3 grade should also be read aloud to those younger children.

    The books listed for grades 4 and up should be assigned as independent reading to those children (if they are capable of that). 

    Then and Now Bible Maps are used to show the children where events occurred as they read about them.

    Uncle Josh’s Outline Map Book is used for weekly map drills, learning the countries on a continent related to the year’s study. You can substitute other sources for the outline maps if you want to. For example, you could use Google Images to search for a blank outline map of Africa and just print those for the weekly map drills.

    Hope this helps!


    Thanks Sonya!! You have helped me tremendouslyLaughing

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