We start Spelling Wisdom next year. I watched Sonya’s video about how to do it but I have one question. She says to give it to them ahead of time to study. Does that mean take a couple days and study it or a few minutes on that day?
It can be either way – probably depends on the child’s spelling abilities. I tend to let the kids study it a couple of days prior to the dictation moment.
Yes, a few days ahead of time. With my 11YO, I give it to him on Monday and have him highlight any words he doesn’t know. Wednesday he uses that passage as copywork, paying special attention to the words he doesn’t know (more recently I’ve had him focus on the punctuation, too). Friday he reviews it one more time and we doo the dictation.
Maybe I’m just blessed with good spellers, but my kids just look at their passage right before I read it to them and rarely miss anything….,I just re-read with pauses where commas are….
My 10 year old looks at it and we pick out a few words she thinks she needs to study. Then she studies them for a few minutes. Then I read the passage out loud while she follows along. I ask her if she’s ready. Then I read the passage with pauses for commas, etc. (sitting next to her ready to let her know if she misspelled something so she can correct it right then).
Oh, interesting. I never considered doing it the same day. For those of you who do that, do you find that your children retain the spelling of the words they have studied? For my 11YO, I keep a list of words that he finds challenging and we do re-check at the end of the term to see if he is remembering them well. Even though he studies the words for a week, and in general he is a strong speller, he still does not remember them very well.
With my oldest (14), he takes his time reading the passage, maybe copying it, really focusing on the words, etc. He may even have me do an oral test to see if he is ready. I give him 2 days to a week, if necessary. He has always struggled with spelling/reading, so I don’t mind giving him time because I know he is taking it seriously. During dictaction he amazes me at how much he can remember from one reading, including punctuation. He rarely makes a mistake, but if he does, I do as suggested (cover/erase) and we review the word. I have him write the words that give him trouble in his binder for review.
My middle boy does not need near as much time and can usually “test” on the same day, but I do have him wait to make sure. Plus, there should be some new and challenging words, but not too many, or it’s not the right level.
My dc really seem to love this form of spelling tests and I’m so thankful for it.
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