OK, so not a homeschooling question…but I know we’ve had discussions about baby gear around here too. =)
For those of you who have used an Ergo baby carrier, can you tell me how long (up to what age/weight) you were able to comfortably carry your baby in it? Our youngest is 14m (but on the small side for her age). For all three of our kids we’ve had a older frame-type backpack carrier which has been fine, but I’ve found that once our kids got to around 15-16m it was too hard on my back to carry them that way (and I don’t have heavy babies either). It is also bulky to travel with…and we will be doing a lot of travelling in the next year. Soo…I was thinking about replacing it. I’ve heard good things about Ergo carriers distributing the weight better and that kind of thing…and I know they are not as bulky as the frame type carriers either. I’m just a little concerned about spending the money for something that might not see more than a couple months use (this baby is likely our last). Any thoughts? I’d also be interested in hearing about other types of carriers you have used comfortably/successfully with an older baby.
There are a couple type of carriers I’ve really enjoyed over the years. For an older baby I always recommend the Ergo Baby Carrier or a Mei Tai type carrier. There are many companies that make the latter but here’s a business in my neck of the woods that does a great job with those type of carriers: http://www.twomommasdesigns.com/
I have used my Ergo with all three of my children at every stage. My youngest is now 16 months. Up until 15 months I wore him on my back for every weekly grocery shopping trip, a quick walk around the block, to visit museums or just around the kitchen while I cook supper (since 4-6PM seems to be a fussy time for babies! :). The only time I’d ever prefer a stroller was when I wanted an exercise walk of sorts – walking fast, doing squats, etc.
At this point he’s interested in being a part of the action a little more since he walks. So grocery store trips he sometimes wants to sit in the cart. Same for other outings – he’s interested in riding on my back for most of the trip but eventually wants down to play. That being said I could still comfortably carry him the whole time. At that age and weight though I think it might depend on the mother’s fitness level somewhat. Don’t get me wrong – Ergo’s distribute the weight beautifully and back carrys are best for older children. However, carrying around a toddler on your back is still heavier than not carrying one at all. 🙂
I definitely recommend it over a stroller in crowded areas and when traveling. And I always prefer to go into a store hands-free with my toddler on my back and my “big” children following. The Ergo also has a nice sleep hood. If I knew we’d be out and about around nap time I knew he would always fall asleep on me and I could keep him secure & comfy with the sleep hood.
If you’re concerned about cost perhaps you could find a used one since the price point might be high to buy new? Of course if you’re bound and determined to “get your monies worth” you could always carry your baby until she’s 3+ years old – it’s been done! 😉
Hope that helps some!
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