Question about Apologia Science by Wile

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Question about Apologia Science by Wile

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  • MariePowell

    Opinions needed! We are trying to plan our curriculum for next year and would like to teach are 11 yr (5th grade level) and 13yr (7th grade level) kids scince together (so can share experiments, and simplify things in general).  We would also like to use then CM style for presenting the material, so perhaps it would be easier for the youngest to understand (the terminology looks challenging).. What are your thoughts on using a seemingly upper grade level source for my youngest (approx 5th grade level) ?  This is only our 2nd year homeschooling and we are trying to change from boxed curricula into a more relaxed CM style ….


    I have an 8th grader using Apologia Gen. Science this year. I also have a 6th grader, who is still learning English so no way could he handle it, and a 5th grader, who might be able to handle the Gen. Science.

    Here are my thoughts: If I didn’t have our two 1st graders, I would definitely try to combine the upper level such as Gen. Science.

    I just ordered and printed out something that you might find extremely useful: the journal/lapbook available from Knowledge Box Central that compliments the Apologia Gen. Science curric. It has more than 600 pages incl. notebooking, lab reports (both partially filled in and blank where student has to fill in everything–student does experiment but on one set the first page is already written in for them), also lapbook materials (which we aren’t using but a younger student might really find helpful as they reinforce the material). You can also add on an optional Vocabular set. I got it all for just $10 b/c I signed up the e-newsletter and received a $5 off coupon code.

    I think it is well worth the price and will help motivate and engage my student. I plan to use it again with the 6th and 5th grader in maybe 2-3 years, whenever I have them do the Gen. Science and they will do it together.

    I am not sure if this helped but yes, in your case, I would try it. You could always have your older student take the test and then just have younger narrate to you (and not do the tests). Also, you could pick and choose which vocab. you hope for younger to learn or just not have him be responsible for learning it although some of it is very reasonable for that age I think such as “cell” and “skeleton.” I printed the vocab. cards off, laminated them, and placed them on a metal ring for easy use.

    This is the kit I bought, which I got for $5 with the $5 off I mentioned above:

    And this is the vocab. kit I also purchased:

    I think combining students when possible is very CM, and you can have different expectations based on their ages and abilities. I also wanted to add the reading is fairly lengthy, so you might want to have your younger child reading it every day (less pages per day) or you read it to him/her or a combination of both. It is written to the student and is intended to be done independently, but you can of course customize it to fit your needs.



    In rereading my post, I’m not sure if I made clear the reason I’m not combining our older three is b/c I have two 1st graders, so I’ll be using Apologia Astronomy (we’ve already done Flying Creatures, Swimming Creatures, Land Animals, and Botany) with our 6th grader, 5th grader and two 1st graders together.

    And as I outlined to you above, I will have different expectations from each. I already talked to our two older about taking leading roles in the experiments. They were excited about that.

    I also spent some of my precious homeschool budget for the Home Science experiment kits for both the Apologia Gen. Science and Astronomy books. Last year we skipped a lot of the Botany experiments b/c I’d be missing one thing. With the kit, I know we’ll have the hard-to-find items at hand on the day we are scheduled to do the experiments.

    Oh and on the Gen. Science, I don’t think in looking so far that the experiments are especially difficult as much as they are thought-provoking. So I think your children and their ages would be very reasonable on those as well.


    Wow!!!!! Thanks for the help! We are new to this forum but have gained more insight and help from it than we could hope for! The books I have found (used) are then general science and astronomy.  I will definately look into the links you provided, and will plan to try the kids together (we will read to them.. reading is a challenge for both, but they listen very well).


    Thanks for the links!  We’re starting Apologia General next year and I’m strongly considering this addition:) Gina


    Thanks LDImom we are using GenSci this year so I hopped on over to kb and ordered the journal/lapbook resource it cost me only five bucks with the coupon…thanks for sharing!



    @MariePowell, momto2blessings and YahKheena

    Glad you all found this useful too. It is truly a great resource even for $10. I couldn’t believe all it included. I am hopeful it will be motivating to my DS, who really struggled with Gen. Science last year. He is basically starting over again this year. I have 5 more students to follow, so all of a sudden the resource is a bargain for me too. Mainly though I’m just excited to have something to support the book. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the vocab. cards and putting them on a ring clip with holes punched in the corner of the cards is going to work really well I hope.

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