Queen's Spelling Through Copywork

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  • Missy OH

    I’m wanting to use this for my 2nd grade girl this year.  It only has them copy one sentence a day.  Would you do addtional copywork or handwriting on top of this? 


    I am curious about this also. Sandi Queen has also got copywork and Language lesson books. I am assuming that if they do the copywork contained in the language lessons and the spelling copywork it will be plenty for that age. I am adding in Pictures in Cursive though, as my dd is a bit older and really wants to learn cursive. I am going to use Spell through Copywork as a spelling program but rely on Lang Lessons for more copywork, also the Copywork for Animal Lovers once in a while.


    Missy OH

    Yes, if I were going to use Queen’s Language Lessons w/ the Spelling Through Copywork, I would feel quite comfortable.  It would be a wonderful combination.  I have chosen to use English for the Thoughtful Child which isn’t set up in small daily lessons like the Language Lessons.  I am now second guessing myself.  I am homeschooling five of my six this year and want to keep my planning simple and affordable.  Off to go look at Queen’s again. Wink



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