Queens Language Lessons question

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  • Nina

    If you use this do you still do seperate poem, picture, and copywork study?


    I have used this for 3 years and love it.  For me yes we do it seperately also.  I use the books as they are, but I don’t have them do there copy work in there, they may do it on a seperate paper (because we are doing HWT), or I might not have them do it at all.  I also, like to do picture study more in depth with them.  So we (me and the child) do the picture together in the book but it’s much more low key, just a real visual lesson for us really.  The poems I have them practice and read out loud to me to work on auditory speach. 

    Now that all said you have to reliaze I have 4 kids doing LL and they are not young.  If I only had my 5 yr old doing it then YES that would be all we would do and I would feel very good about that.  But I have one in 5th, & 4th, & 2nd grade and they are older and I feel they just need more then the LL for the in depth-ness (is that a word??LOL) of it. You didn’t mention how old your child was that’s why I say this.

    Hope that helps.  Misty


    Thanks Misty.  My children are 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade.  We are just beginning the LL coming from a “full” LA curriculum.  I thought we would but I just wanted to check.  Thanks again.


    This has been my first year with Q’s LL for Little Ones. I have used 1st language Lessons with my daughter and then was put on to LLLO from a friend. I loved that it was a similar style of LArts teaching. So for my son doing Kinderg. this year we started with the LLLO. I wanted to mention that we don’t use the book as a consumable either. I print off sheets for him to do letter practice, copywork, and story narration notes that he draws pictures for. I use a program called StartWrite5.0 that allows me to use the Handwriting Without Tears & Cursive font, Modern Manuscript (like D’Nealean), Manuscript, Cursive…. well alot of choices. Anyways, I LOVE it! It allows us to fit the work inti the printing practice he needs. Perhaps you would enjoy using this software to make cursive level work for your older children from the Q’s LL curriculum from? Just an idea. I find using these the StartWrite5.0 with these Q’s LL really a full experience and allow us to customise our work. -tania

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