Queens Language Lessons for High School?

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  • pinkchopsticks

    I just started looking at Queen’s LL after seeing it mentioned on this board…I like what I see. I am looking for something for my 9th grader. It looks like it could be a pretty complete LA course for highschool. Am I right? I see creative writing one year, essays,& research paper other years. Has anyone here used the program for HS age? Opinions?




    We use Queen Language Lessons.

    But, my children are younger so we’ve got quite a while before the High School books (which we plan to use).

    The books are not grade based, but skill based.

    You can see each book’s sample & scope on the website.

    And also get all/any assistance in the Queen fb group.


    Thanks for the tip on the fb group. I am going to have to check that out!


    My high schoolers are using it and I like it pretty well.  The frustration that the kids (9th and 10th grade) have is that Queens does not follow the same puntuation rules that they learned in Analytical Grammar.  They are annoyed by run-on sentences and misplaced commas and semi-colons.  I think it is because the literature that is being used in the passages to be edited, studied, and done by dictation come from much older books – it is an older style of writing than what they studied in AG.  That’s my 2 cents Smile.




    Hmmm…that is interesting about the punctuation, Robin. Thanks for your input!


    blue j

    My girls used book 1 this year and enjoyed it a great deal.  So much in fact, that I am trying to decide whether to use Queen’s or Epi Kardia for the essay writing. 

    For what it is worth, my 17 yo was writing her own book before starting this curriculum, and it has only encouraged her.  My 15 yo who is a reluctant writer enjoyed it as well.




    My daughter is in 8th grade and I have her using the first high school book this year.  it has been frustrating for her b/c the assignments are a ton of writing, and the dictations are very long, drawn out, and it (even to me) seems a bit of overkill.  i’ve been letting her skip the dictations since she is doing Spelling Wisdom also.  Her creative writing has improved, but she still feels like it is repetitive.  i’m switching to Konos History of the World for hiigh school next year for her.  that said, i love LL up until the HS ones.  I think the other ones that teach a more analytical, expository writing might be a bit better.




    Jacqleene and Amy…thank you for your input. I wish I could get my hands on a copy to look over. 🙂 It is always better to be able to look through the whole thing vs just the few page sample.


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