Queen's Language Lessons

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  • pangit

    I keep second guessing myself.  Mostly in the area of language arts.  Right now I am thinking that I will use Queen’s Language Lessons.  I will have a DD in 2nd grade.  The website says for grades 2-3.  Is it intended to be used over a 2 year period or it just doesn’t matter which grade it is used in?



    Language Lessons for the Very Young Volume 1 is either for 2nd or 3rd grade, depending on the child, not both grades.  They are meant to be used one Volume per year.  If you use Volume 1 for 2nd grade, then you would use Volume 2 of Very Young for 3rd grade.

    We are going to be starting Very Young Volume 1 after we finish up Language Lessons for Little Ones Volume 3.  I hope that helps.  Smile


    Thanks!! It was most helpful.  Now if I can just quit second guessing myself.  Maybe I should just quit looking at the options out there!! =)


    I would make a list of what you are wanting for Language Arts, then see which one fits your goals. If you have any specific questions, I’d be happy to answer them.

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