Queen's Discovering Nature series – reviews???

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Queen's Discovering Nature series – reviews???

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  • Lesley Letson

    has anyone used this? I saw it and thought it looked neat. I have a 6yo (with two 4yos tagging along) that I think would enjoy it, but it is $35 and consumable??? Seems kinda pricey for me – Is it worth it? 


    I have the All Nature Sings for DS6 to do and the Parables From Nature DD9 to do. They are excited to do it and want to get at it now. So I am letting them do the lessons that are best done at the summer advantage. I got them to use for after we finish 106 Days of Creation together. But I have a feeling it will end up being done sporatically along side lol. I like the layout of the lessons. GOOD reading materials first and then a few activities for them to do after they narrate. Great pages for sketching and drawing observations in. Space to explore more on the subject by own research. I am very pleased with these books. I think the fact that I don’t have to track down any books for this science as the living book reading is all ready IN it is a HUGE bonus (and worth the $). And the readings aren’t smatterings, they are good pieces of literature! That is my first impressions of them and I am very excited to use this series!


    When things are consumable {and I didn’t know those nature books are, they’ve been on my wish list for AGES} we do the lessons orally OR we read the lessons and write answers in a separate notebook. 🙂

    Lesley Letson

    AussieMummy – thanks for that reminder, I have done that before as well, and could work for this. Though, it does seem a neat idea to have that completed “nature notebook” when they are done – but again, it is a bit pricey (at least for me). Decisions, decisions 🙂

    cedargirl – Do the books go in order, I know All Nature Sings is listed first, but I wonder if we liked the Aunt Bessie book if it could be used first. This would be a follow-up to 106 Days for us as well (which has taken longer than 106 days as we got “stuck” on birds for a while 😉 my son liked that topic alot!). I am glad you mentioned not having to track down more books – I was wondering if it was dependent on finding books with each subject. And I know it is listed as consumable, but since you have one, does the copyright allow you to make copies for your own family? I think my younger two could benefit from some of the coloring pages, but are by no means able to complete all of the writing tasks.


    I am not certain if there is a true order other than All Nature Sings is for the youngest crowd. All though looking at the Aunt Bessie sample I would say  that it is not that much ahead in difficulty and you should be able to use it fine first. I don’t think it would really mater which of the latter two you did in what order either. The book is meant to be written in and copying is not permitted by law as indicated in the front pages. Her decision to do this was for each child to have a nature journal of their own. It is a feature I thought was cool as my children like to keep journals and scrapbooks.

    As for extra books, you will need to find extra reading on any topic you want to get more info on or use the internet. But the bulk of the information is in the literature for that lesson it seems. You can always record their narrations for them on the pages of written work. They may get a kick out of that when they are older and look back at it. And possibly turn it into a copywork exercise.

    Hope that helps. I was thinking that comparred to some of  the science curriculum out there that this was relatively thrifty. Our Noeo science was hefty last year and well, disappointing. I am in the process of tracking down 106 Days resources and it has been …. tricky. Getting there though!

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