Queens Copywork


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  • Heather

    If you have used Queens copywork (for boys), would you recommend it for a 1st grade boy who is still learning to read and has almost no writing experience?


    IMHO…No. Start him on something with more room for the letters and shorter lessons. Also, something that he will be able to read a little easier at first until he has a little more confidence in this area.

    But this is just my opinion. Others may have different views and advice on how you could use it effectively for someone just beginning.


    What about starting him in Queen’s Printing With Pictues, they start at a more basic level and then he could move on to the CFB later on?


    I will check that out.  I knew about cursive with pictures which I was going to get for my 4th grader, but I didn’t know there was a printing with pictures.  Thanks!

    My only other option I think would be handwriting w/out tears.


    So I was wondering what you chose to go with and how it worked for you…  My 5yr ds is really trying to write, but he is switching and reversing letters (I just show him one or two as he asks for it) so was thinking handwriting without tears would be good for that for him, even though the some number and letters are written rather odd in order to fit in with the shape pieces.  And thinking printing with pictures primer for my just-turned 7ds who dislikes writing and loves nature, but can  very easily copy letters, words, can write all his numbers and his name and address…  Thoughts/recommendations? We have a little extra $ right now, so in theory could order both things and let each boy have his own special workbook (although I detest workbooks in general but for this it would make it easier for me).


    I just started my ds8 on Copywork for Little Boys by Queens. Although it says for grades 1-3, I say the last half of that range is more appropriate since my ds is at the end of grade 2 (we school year-round). The first 4 lessons are the poem: Try, Try again. I had to explain to him what persevere means and he had problems writing such a big word until I took a pencil and divided it into 3 syllables and then he copied each syllable and was okay with that. I would not have been able to expect him to do this book any sooner and we have always done some kind of copywork and he is a good reader. I am happy with this copywork book, but we have to use our own paper as there is not enough room allowed in the book for space for young students to write.

    Here is a link where I sometimes print cursive copywork out for him:


    Maybe there is something for printing you could use. We have also used Handwriting books from Christian Liberty Press and were happy with those.

    We are using Queen’s Printing With Pictures with my 7 year old and we like it.

    Don’t forget SCM’s new handwriting one! It looks really nice and easy.


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