I have also been considering those two, along with Speedy Spanish primers. After looking at all the reviews and samples I could find, I think I’m going with The Easy Spanish Jr. We’ve been using the First/Next/Another Step Espanol videos this year and I finally decided the Puertas Abiertas videos would seem a little young to my ds after having done those. Its been a tough decision, though. I liked the idea of having the videos for visual, and Puertas is the only one I’ve seen besides the free videos we used this year. But, I haven’t made the purchase yet, so would also love to hear from any folks that have used any of the ones we’re considering. Thanks!
Amy, I went ahead and ordered The Easy Spanish, Jr. I think I had found Puertas while searching the web, but don’t think I have seen anyone recommend it here when the subject has come up. How old are your dc? if they’re preschool or early elementary, it may be OK. But I decided for my son who is 8, will be going on 9 when we start this fall, may not care for the videos. Especially, as I mentioned, after viewing the videos at knowitaall.org. I did learn of those after some folks recommended them here. Have you checked those out yet?
My kids are still pre-k and early elementary so I thought the videos might still be ok. I went to knowitall.org and the instant replay videos look interesting. Are those what you viewed? Not having to purchase DVDs is definitely an incentive 🙂 I’ll look at the videos and see if that can work together with Easy Spanish Jr. Thanks for the suggestion!
Yeah, they do look fun for the younger ones. They will probably enjoy them. I think my son would have enjoyed them if I had found them for 1st or 2nd. And yes, we’ve just about finished Another Step Espanol, from Instant Replay. By no means is he speaking Spanish, but he’s familiar with many words now and has improved in his pronunciation. It was nice to have these as an option since ds was not reading or writing at the beginning of this year, so workbook type programs would not have worked for him. As it is, I’ll still have to take it easy with the writing for a while and do much of the reading. Anyway, hope I helped some. Its great that we have so many options these days, but sometimes its a bit overwhelming and tough to make a decision. 🙂
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