Public School

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  • princess1John

    I have a friend who put a bug in my ear about homeschooling which lead me to look into it and led me to CM. I agree with a lot of her premises. I am, however, still leaning towards public schooling my son (and future children).

    I was looking for input into using CM’s principles while still public schooling my children.


    When he’s still small, your best bet is just to have him outside for as many hours as you can once he gets home.  You can encourage him in some nature study, but if you take a very small child and then try to do “extra” school work with him – even if it’s enjoyable and CM in nature, after he’s been sitting all day, he’s going to have a hard time finding joy in it. 

    On Saturdays you could do a few short lessons in artist study or composer study – a nature walk, snuggle with a living book.



    I ditto Rebekay:) Habit training is also something to be working on, no matter what schooling choice. And respecting the child as a person. Those are the main things that come to mind off the top of my head:)


    He is pretty young and I’ve been trying to get him out more during the day (I’m a SAHM) after learning about CM (and I also try to have him involved as much as possibly in what I’m doing–which seems to be implied, but not clearly stated in CM). I was already doing the habit training and I’ve always had a high degree of respect for children as intelligent and capable individuals (which is why CM resonated with me).

    I’m thinking more for after he is in elementary school. Although, I have had fun having him listen to Joplin in the background this month…


    My kids were in public schools for a few year and one thing I’ve noticed when we started homeschooling was that the public schools do not expose the children to good literature so much. I would say look for good reading lists on this forum or other homeschooling sites. Newberry medals are good too. Reading to him even when he is old enough to read himself.


    That’s a good idea. I remember how my mom read to me before bed when I was really little and then stopped. When I was a teenager I asked her if we could go back to reading together before bed…I’m hoping to continue reading with my son at least nightly, but I like your advice about making sure that it’s good literature and not just a random book he thinks he’s interested in.

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