Pubic school suspended

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  • Sandra Wade

    Is anyone reducing the workload for your homeschool students over the next few weeks?  My students have commented that the public school students in our state aren’t in class.  (Some districts are doing some online assignments or sending home packets.)  I told my students that we might as well carry on as usual since we can’t go anywhere.


    We are carrying on as usual. We live in Ohio. All schools have closed, and all are working on setting up online classes or sending packets of work home. Our governor has already said he does not expect schools will reopen this school year. Classes will be done from home.



    Carrying on here as usual as well. All the schools in our area are closed for at least the next 2-3 weeks, could be for rest of the school year, but like I told the kids, we are home, let’s get school done 🙂

    They don’t mind because really what else are they going to do with everything closed. Can’t even visit with friends so working on getting video calling up and working so they can do video calls with groups of friends from time to time.


    We took our spring break in February, if we had not done that i might have taken a few days spring break, and changed things uo, but we have 7 weeks left so we are ready to wrap up the school year. 🙂


    I’m reminding them that we can be done with school soon if we carry on. 🙂


    We are carrying on here as well.  No school here for the rest of this week and next week. Not sure after that.  I’ve told mine that we may as well keep moving forward. If public school stays closed, those kids will likely be doing distant learning or some such thing. So, we might as well keep working away 🙂  I’ve told them I’m sooo glad we are homeschooling. Because of that, we don’t have any schedules changing. Our days can go on pretty much as usual.


    I found it really interesting  what my oldest DS saw somone post. Something like, now that the kids are home from school, let’s use the time to finally TEACH them something! Like life skills etc.. spend time with them, read to them. I thought, wow,  exactly!


    School as usual!  And we’re enjoying some of the online resources that various groups have started to help the public school students during the school closures.

    In particular:

    Cincinnati Zoo’s daily tours –

    Draw Every Day with JJK –

    Even a local Catholic priest is going live on FB each day at 1:00 with challenges and teachings for kids –

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